Monday 20 September 2010

part 2 of the weekend

I suppose if you have a part one you have to have a part 2 so......

Now the horrible bit was out of the way, Master asked what equipment i would like to try out, now this was quite difficult because i want to try it all...i was like the proverbial kid in a sweet shop, but i opted for the rack bench having not tried one of these before.

I should have took a photo as it was so much more than a rack bench, it was amazing, Master secured me down on my back and i started being stretched, the pull on my muscles was not so much really painful but uncomfortable. I was more concerned about how completley vunerable i was, i couldnt move any part of my body which was exciting as well as scary, but i do love being completley at his mercy.

Now i should say that when we was being shown around by the couple at one point Master went to get his kit from the car and the women told me there was ice in the freezer which we was welcome to use, which i had no intention of telling Master as i dont like ice play (sorry Master).

But as i was lying there Master mentioned that he wandered if there was ice in the freezer which i replied no there wasnt as the lady had mentioned it (now this isnt so much a lie but rather an ommittance of the truth...dont you think?...well in my mind it is) but he wasnt having any of it and the bastard went and checked and of course there was ice...much to his amusement and my dismay.

I dont like ice its cold..yes i know its meant to be fucking cold it is ice....and he rubbed it over my nipples and down towards my pussy...i squirmed as much as it was possible to squirm! and begged and called him horrible things and just when i thought it couldnt get any worse it did.

He used a magic wand on my pussy and normally i love this...if you havent tried one and your a women get one..seriously they are absolutley fantastic...i should know its what got me punished in the first place!!! Anyway they are not so nice when used on a numb pussy....i was beside myself begging him to stop and spluttering not very nice things at him and he was just loving it.

Then he used this feathery duster thing to tickle my feet...not funny at all..give me pain over being tickled every time.....i asked him if he would undo my legs an arms so i could use the wand myself which he agreed to....the bench was also adapted to be used for stirrups..i loved this bench. He used the feathery duster thing on my pussy fairly softly which was quite nice but then started to use it harder which although wasnt extremely painful was uncomfortable but at this point i just wanted to cum and i did with the help of the wand and promptly squirted over the bench.

Had a chill out time then pondering what to use next, Master decided i should have a caning on the caning bench which was designed for the application of judicial style canings, which no i havent experienced yet its on the to do list although the caning yesterday was actually rather judicial. I was nervous at first after having the earlier caning as punishment although i knew he wouldnt be as hard as those punishment strokes was i was apprehensive that perhaps i wouldnt enjoy the cane so much as i always have. But thankfully that was not the case and it didnt take too many strokes before i was floating in my own little world...the cane seems to be the only implement that i can get into subspace with but it doesnt happen every time but when it does i just cant explain it just gone..i certainly couldnt count. I couldnt say how many strokes i took i know it was a lot, occassionaly i would make a sound but mostly im completley quiet and the only sound is the cane...i love the sound the cane makes on impact.

Master did fuck my ass whilst we was there whilst i was on the bench, i love anal much prefer it than normal sex, i like it when its uncomfortable and little lube is used and can orgasm from anal sex quite easily now. Sometimes he makes me clean him afterwards and i need to remember to ask to clean him afterwards as i know he prefers it when i do, its not something im particularly fond of but im learning to put his wants before my dislikes because i do have a tendencey to try to back out of things i dislike.

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