Sunday 19 September 2010

a weekend of umm being put back in my place! part one

We went to Birmingham this weekend as Master had business there on the Saturday, im not a fan of big cities but im well impressed with myself as i didnt get lost. I was getting a little nervous about the weekend (ok maybe more than a bit) as i had 2 punishments due which he decided would wait until this weekend and we had booked a dungeon for a few hours on the Friday evening so i knew that noise wouldnt be an issue, good for him but not for me! I think we should re think physical punishments, mental is so more effective.

I can honestly say its the first time i have been genuinely upset at disobeying him because he made me it very clear how pissed off he was but also because i had been doing ok, ok in the respect that i havent been punished for quite a while.
Anyway i digress..i do do that funnily enough

We got to the hotel, the room was nice....the bathroom was great a big enough shower area to be pissed on, he told me to strip as he wanted to piss on me...i said that i thought we was going to wait until we got to the dungeon...that didnt go down i stripped and knelt in the shower. I drank some, i cant say i like it...lets face it it's piss it doesnt taste very nice, but then he made me lick it up from the floor whilst he beat me on my back i think with his belt, that was a first and it was humiliating, i like the humiliation but not the actual having to lick it up. I sucked his cock but he wouldnt let me continue for long before he pulled away..that i didnt like but i figured it best to keep my mouth shut.

We went to the dungeon, the couple who owned it were really nice and welcoming and showed us all the was all very nice and very ummm intimidating as well, i wanted to get my punishments out the way first, i was on edge about them and figured i could relax once the worst was out the way, i knew it wouldnt be nice but i wasnt expecting it to be as bad as it actually was.
He had decided that for my punishments i would get very hard cane strokes and lashes of the whip on my back, now i love the cane but i like to be warmed up beforehand then generally i can take quite a long caning as for the whip i just dont handle it too well and i absolutley hate it on the back.

Anyway he secured me to a spanking bench for the cane and i started to protest, i think i remember asking for a warm up but he wouldnt allow it and i pushed my luck and he said it would now be more strokes which i naively at this point thought he wouldnt follow through with. i also had to count and thank him after each stroke which i dont like...what is it with dominants can they not count!!

The first one fucking hurt and i think i just about muttered out 1 and thankyou before the second one hit etc etc and it didnt get any better, definitley not a caning i liked on any level, i did get more strokes which completly burst my bubble of my getting any mercy..he was just so cold and detached and i hate that. I couldnt look at him afterwards i didnt want him to know that he had gotten tears from me which in hindsight i feel guilty about i shouldnt have denied him that.

The whipping was done on a st Andrews cross immediatley after, looking back i think i was in a bit of shock from the caning emotionally as well as physically, i couldnt speak i remember being fucking shit scared and when the first stroke of the whip landed the pain was indescribable and i started to panic, i cant even remember if i counted it or not, i most likely did as he probably would have made sure i did but i just cant recall it.

Will i masturbate again without permission? no. Will i disobey him or be disrespectful again? i dont want to and will certainly try harder but i also know i have quite a fair way to go, there are still areas i know i need to work on. But i dont want to be punished like that again so it was effective wheras before any physical punishments i have had just havent worked, possibly because they wasnt severe enough and pain does arouse or i had managed to sway him, this time he wasnt having any of was cold and brutal.


  1. wat was worse the canning or the whipping

  2. well having never experienced canning i couldnt possibly say.

    However the worst was the caning.

